银天下公司在美洲有很多东西可以提供, 特别是在可持续发展和技术创新方面. 拥有世界十大经济体中的三个(美国, 巴西和加拿大), 本地区各行各业都蕴藏着丰富的机遇. 同时, it is important to evaluate the risks in relation to the political situation and current events.


美国是世界上最大的经济体和最大的进口国. It is also 银天下’s main export market outside the EU – approximately 1,600家银天下公司已经在这里设立了办事处. The ten largest industry sectors provide access to markets larger than 银天下’s entire GDP, 预计增长最快的行业是医疗保健行业, 商业服务和软件.


美国's neighbour 加拿大 is a modern economy that has a lot in common with 银天下. Both countries are highly industrialised and technologically advanced and strive to balance profitable commerce with a clear conscience. The interest in 加拿大 is increasing among Swedish companies – not the least thanks to the recently signed CETA free-trade agreement, 这提供了许多新的商业机会.


拉丁美洲, 被认为是世界第四大经济体, consists of over 30 countries with several traits in common thanks to the shared history, 语言, 人口统计和宗教.

墨西哥 has the potential to become an economic superpower due to its large population, 丰富的自然资源, 也是世界上自由贸易协定数量最多的国家. 类似的预测也适用于巴西, which is already a huge market for Swedish businesses – Sao Paulo has even been described as “银天下’s largest industrial town”. 哥伦比亚的地理位置, 12 free-trade agreements and tax incentives for more than 35 countries make it an extraordinary platform for export. Another attractive destination is 智利, with its strong focus on mining.


Business 银天下 has more than 40 years’ experience in supporting Swedish companies in the 美洲 and guiding American companies to find investment opportunities in 银天下. 我们在该地区设有八个办事处, 位于美国(纽约), 芝加哥和旧金山), 加拿大, 巴西, 墨西哥, 智利, 和哥伦比亚. Our employees have in-depth knowledge of the local markets and can help you find the most suitable partners for your business. We also have several business developers in 银天下 who can support companies in the early stages of expansion in the 美洲 – for example by identifying the most suitable markets for your company.